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Get Google Chrome OS without Chromebook or Chromebox!


Google’s Chrome/Chromium OS comes officially with Chromebooks (prices $299 to $499.99) and Chromebox (costs at $ 409.99). So, you will have to purchase these devices from retailers or e-stores to experience that lightweight, lightning-fast, hassle-free operating system for your laptop or desktop. With the Chromium/Chrome OS the entire web is at your fingertips in seconds HTML5 is fully supported, allowing you to enjoy the very best that the web has to offer. Chrome OS is all about cloud computing. Get auto-update without any charges. You are not storing anything on a local device and whenever you change your Chromebook or login to your friend’s Chromebook with your Google Credentials, you will see all your apps and bookmarks there as well (just like your own Chromebook). Now if you want to try the Chrome OS without a Chrome book or box then it’s possible. Check out this post & follow this method to run Chrome OS on non-Chromebook devices (notebooks, netbooks, laptops, desktops, etc.) You will need these things: Hardwares: At least 4GB pen drive or A writable blank DVD, Windows, Linux or Mac OS-based PC, Software's:(Click to Download) Two types of Chrome/Chromium OS are available here: Chrome/Chromium Vanilla OS & Chrome/Chromium Lime OS Windows Image Writer(For USB Stick Method) Vanilla OS is the basic version of Linux distribution OS & Lime OS has better support for different hardware devices like Ethernet and sound drivers. Steps: Two types of Chrome/Chromium OS installing methods are here: 

1) USB Stick Method  

Download the USB Stick file of your choice from websites and unzip the downloaded file, you can see a .img file in the unzipped folder. Download Windows Image Writer and Double-Click on the .exe file from the downloaded folder. Find the .img file in this application and select the USB drive where you want to write this .img file. Don’t forget to format the USB stick before writing the image file. The minimum recommended size for a USB drive is 4GB. Click on the ‘Write’ button to start writing the image file to the USB drive or stick. Boot your netbook, laptop, or desktop using that USB drive. You will see Chromium OS booting and asking for details like Keyboard, Language, and Available Network. Provide these details. You will be ready to enter Google credentials and log in to the Chrome OS. Chrome OS will welcome you with a Google Chrome help document. You can navigate to the different options like settings, web store, etc.  

2) DVD Method  

Download the Live CD or DVD image file of your choice from websites and unzip the downloaded file, you can see a .img file in the unzipped folder. Burn That File on a writable blank DVD & boot up your PC with it after that it follows the same process to login to a whole new Computer (Google’s tagline to advertise Chrome OS). 


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